HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccines


what is HPV vaccines and its usage

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccines are vaccines that protect against infections caused by certain types of HPV. These vaccines help prevent cervical cancer, other types of cancers (such as anal, vaginal, and vulvar), genital warts, and some types of head and neck cancers.

HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection, and most sexually active individuals will contract the virus at some point in their lives. While most HPV infections clear up on their own without causing long-term health problems, certain high-risk types of HPV can lead to complications like cancer.

The HPV vaccines currently available are Gardasil 9 and Cervarix. Gardasil 9 protects against nine types of HPV, including the most common ones that cause cancer and warts. It is recommended for both males and females and is usually administered in three doses over a period of six months.

Cervarix prevents infection from two high-risk types of HPV and is primarily used for protection against cervical cancer. It is given to females as a series of three shots.

It is recommended that the HPV vaccine be given to boys and girls at the age of 11 to 12 years. The vaccine can also be offered to females aged 13 to 26 years and males aged 13 to 21 years who have not been vaccinated previously.

Overall, HPV vaccines effectively reduce the risk of cervical cancer, genital warts, and other types of HPV-related cancers. However, it is important to note that the vaccines do not protect against all types of HPV or treat existing infections or diseases caused by the virus. Therefore, regular screening for cervical cancer and practicing safe sexual habits are still important.


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