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Whether you call it a “dad bod” or a “beer belly,” every guy hates dealing with dreaded belly fat. Having extra flab around your midsection can not only make fitting into your favorite pants a chore, but it can also be a predictor of future health problems. According to Harvard Health Publishing, visceral fat is associated with a greater amount of total cholesterol and bad cholesterol, insulin resistance, and a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But with a healthy combination of diet and exercise, it’s possible to turn things around. We’re here today with 10 tips for men to lose belly fat and keep it off.

Belly fat is often the area of the body that men struggle with the most. That’s why it always comes in handy to have some expert-backed lessons up your sleeve that can help you burn fat in your midsection and build healthy habits that will last you a lifetime.

1. Lift weights.

Strength training is essential for men to get lean. Tools like barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and even suspension trainers will not only help you burn calories, but they’ll also build the muscle underneath the fat so you become more “shredded.” Even better, the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, which means even more fat loss! For best results, lift weights two to three times per week for 45 to 60 minutes.

2. Eat whole foods.
For fat loss and great health, choose whole foods such as lean meats, grains, fruits, veggies, and more. They’ll help keep you full and energized while in a caloric deficit and provide you with the nutrients and vitamins to support your well-being.
3. Eat more protein.
To lose fat, you need to lower your calorie intake. As you do, it’s critical to eat enough protein to support your muscle growth and repair. Protein will also help keep you fuller for a longer amount of time and can even increase your metabolism.

As a rule of thumb, eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight. Stick to lean meats, fish, and even vegetarian sources like beans, lentils, etc.
4. Get sufficient sleep.
Sleep is underrated for fat loss. It helps your body recover and enhances your overall health. Many individuals, however, struggle to get good sleep, which can lead to a wide range of health issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and depression, as well as a larger waistline.

Every night, aim for eight hours of restful sleep. To improve your sleep quality, stop using electronics an hour before bedtime because their bright lights can affect your circadian rhythm. Also, limit your caffeine in the afternoon and your alcohol at night.


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