Natural Cure For Malaria


I’m not a doctor, but I can provide some information on natural remedies that are believed to have antimalarial properties. However, it is important to note that these remedies should not replace medical treatment for malaria and consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary for proper diagnosis and treatment.

1. Artemisinin: Artemisinin is a compound derived from the Artemisia annua plant. It is one of the most effective antimalarial drugs and is commonly used in combination therapies. However, the plant itself is not effective for treating malaria.

2. Papaya leaf extract: Papaya leaf extract is believed to possess antimalarial properties. Some studies have shown that it may help increase platelet count, which can decrease due to malaria. However, further research is needed to determine its effectiveness and dosage.

3. Qinghao (Artemisia annua) tea: This herbal tea is made from the Artemisia annua plant and contains artemisinin. While the tea itself may not cure malaria, it can help manage symptoms and support the effectiveness of prescribed antimalarial medications.

4. Neem: Neem, or Azadirachta indica, has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine for various ailments, including to combat malaria. Neem extracts and oil are believed to have antimalarial properties and have been studied for their potential as an adjunct treatment.

5. Grapefruit seed extract: Some studies have suggested that grapefruit seed extract has antimalarial properties. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any natural remedy.

Remember, seeking medical treatment from qualified healthcare professionals is essential for the proper diagnosis, treatment, and management of malaria.


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